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Investment in Indonesia

Investment in Indonesia – As a country with a rapid change in many sectors, Indonesia is busy constructing infrastructure and its supporting facilities. The development Indonesia has made attracts capital owners to invest their fund in this huge market potential. The country transforms into a modern nation and it is in line with the increase of spending power of the people.

Not only they seek for products and services in daily needs basis but also they demand facilities for leisure time. This trend should recently be an eye opener for foreign investors. Investment in Indonesia possesses a significant market opportunity in leisure industry.

There ae numerous attractions in the country to observe. Indonesia is rich of natural resources, various cultures, language, exotic foods, and beautiful sceneries. These are essentials for leisure activities.

Overview of Leisure Industry

The country is now busier in economy aspect. People get pressure in fulfilling their needs. It results to the increase of wealth and living standards. This condition drive people to seek for recreation. Leisure industry provides media for this demand. Recreation, entertainment, tourism services, and other services and products related to human wellness are now having a large market and they arecontinuously growing.

Moreover, to accommodate people’s need of entertainment and financial opportunities, the concept of business and leisure or blaisureis now explored in the country. The concept allows visitors to still enjoy tourism attraction while completing their business. Asia pacific is among the world’s main destination for business trip.

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It surely a gold opportunity yet a big task for related institution to explore Indonesia’s potential in this sectors. Numbers of big citties in Indonesia are now prepared to meet the concept. Jakarta and Bali have led the way to become models in blaisure. Government alongside the country’s travel agent intensify promotion for this concept. It is another opportunity open for investment in Indonesia.

Government Support

In order to avoid economic slowdown, government is trying to maximize the county’s potential in tourism sector. This leisure industry is expected to attract more foreign investors. However, obstacle comes from investors’ hesitation of spending their capital here. It is because a classic perception that foreign investment takes out the money from local business. Other challenge for foreign investors is the limitation of their ownership in business which is commonly restricted to average 50%.

Now, government is convincing foreign capital owners that Indonesia is more open. This is shown by revision in business regulation that allows more business classification to operate. There is also improvement in foreign ownership rate and the most important is the removal of some industries from the negative investment list.

Less-strict law is also believed to bring positive response in particular business sectors such as commerce and manufacturing. Those steps are expected to appeal visitors and foreign investment in Indonesia by 50%. To support that regulation revision, officials eased visa issuance for tourism purposes for up to 75 countries.

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Opportunity as Maritime Country

As an archipelago with thousands of islands spread over the ocean, Indonesia surely has a big note in maritime industry. Leisure has recently been a part in Indonesia’s maritime resource. Officials alongside with related tourism organizers have initiated program like Sail Indonesia. It was one way to promote tourism in Indonesia in general, especially maritime life. Back then in 2015, more than 40 yachts from different countries joined Sail Indonesia. The rally started in Darwin, Australia and sailed through some beautiful island in the archipelago and ended in Singapore.

To draw maximum interest from international world, government drives the change so Indonesia appears more open to the outside world. Bureaucracy and security issues are two major problems to deal with.

Indonesia’s maritime is also rich of history. Hundreds years ago traders from all over the world would make their way through the archipelago for precious spices. With people came and went from long years ago, many had expected Indonesia would be a prominent country in maritime leisure industry. It is now time to make the expectation comes to reality.

Opportunities in Tourism

Tourism sectors as main parts of leisure industry has shown an impressive improvement. The number of foreign visitors’ arrival has continuously increased. The number is expected to grow every year as the government improve the country’s infrastructure for a more comfortable leisure trip.

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The high numbers of arrival means there is a high demand on hotel establishment. It is opportunity for investors to set up their tourism business in Indonesia. However, Bali and Jakarta which are believed as the most attractive cities for foreign visitors demand high creativity and new concept for another hotel establishment. This is due to a recent excessive supply.

Indonesia is not less attractive compared to its already famous neighboring countries. Obstacles in infrastructure is now about getting lower every year. More and more civilians are able to speak fluent English. Also, more interesting places are found. These surely make leisure industry investment in Indonesia promising yet challenging.

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