Trademark & Design Registrations

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Trademark & Design Registrations

Legal basis:

  • Trademarks are trademarks used in goods traded by a person or persons jointly or by a legal entity to distinguish other goods.
  • Act Number 19 of 1992 on Trademark (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1992 Number 81)
  • Act Number 14 Year 1997 concerning Amendment of Act Number 19 of 1992 on Trademark (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1997 Number 31)
  • Act Number 15 Year 2001 regarding Trademark (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2001 Number 110)


  • Brand Search
  • Requirements for Submission of Application
  • Brand Registration Procedure
  • Formality Checking and Substantive Examination
  • Submission of Objection
  • Back Checking


I) Application for registration on behalf of an individual;

  1. Power of Attorney and statement of Mark which has been signed by applicant on stamp Rp.6000, –
  2. Attach a copy of Identity Card (KTP) and Tax Id Number (NPWP) that legalized by Notary)
  3. 30 Sheet brand etiquette with max size. 7 x 7 and min. 2 x 2cm

II) Application for registration on behalf of the company;

  1. Power of attorney and letter of statement of the mark which has been signed by company director on stamp duty Rp.6000, –
  2. Attach a copy of Identity Card (KTP) and Tax Id Number (NPWP) that legalized by Notary)
  3. Attach a photo copy of etiquette with max size. 7 x 7 and min. 2 x 2

Indonesia Trademark & Design Registrations IDR.4,500,000

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