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How to Set Up a Company In Jakarta

How to Set Up a Company In Jakarta?

How to Set Up a Company In Jakarta – The same affairs of establishing or creating a PT or Limited Liability Company, but the process and requirements of making PT can be different between Jakarta and other areas. The question now is how to set up a company in Jakarta and which regions are easier and which are more requirements?

The government has made a number of breakthroughs to make it easier for people to start businesses. The process and requirements for making PT for SMEs become simplified. It is started from the reduction of authorized capital, administrative requirements, to the provision of online system to obtain the Trade License and Company Registration License.

If previously determined the authorized capital as a condition of making PT amounted to 50 million rupiah and 25 percent must be fully paid in Government Regulation Number 7 Year 2016 on Changes in Authorized Capital of Limited Liability Company determined that for MSME its capital base in accordance with agreement of its founder. That is, if the founders are only able to establish a PT with capital below 10 million, as long as mutually agreed then legitimate.

The above breakthroughs were also followed in a number of areas such as Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya by eliminating some or even all business licenses for MSMEs. Based on our records, for Jakarta, the local government of DKI in recent months has issued a series of policies to support the ease of starting a business such as Governor Regulation No. 28 of 2016 on Simplification of Licensing and Non-Licensing Requirements, Instruction of the Head of One Stop Service Agency of Jakarta Province, Circular of BPTSP Number 06 / SE / 2016 concerning Issuance of Domicile Certificate and Advanced Permits For Virtual Office User.

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Although the government has taken the initiative to simplify the terms and procedures of making PT, interesting to know in detail what are the requirements needed on how to set up a company in Jakarta. For material comparison, we also describe the requirements of making PT in Tangerang, Depok, Bekasi and Bogor. From there we can learn the plus minus.

Requirements of How to Set Up a Company in Jakarta

Requirements Notes
1 Photocopy of identity card of the founders of PT Must be in e-ID format
2 Photocopy of the Founder Taxpayer Identification Number Must be in the latest format with NIK
3 Photocopy of President Director Family Card
4 Copy of BPJS Certificate on behalf of PT It can be handled after the deed of establishment of PT
5 Photograph the person in charge of the company
6 The email address and telephone number of the founders
7 Name of PT to be used Consisting of 3 syllables and can not use a foreign language
8 K Description of the structure of the management and composition of shares Minimum two shareholders
9 Information on the position and address of PT Observe the zoning and spatial arrangements in Jakarta
10 Photocopy of IMB place of business PT For business domicile
11 RT / RW Statement Letter on domicile of PT For the purpose of business domicile
12 Photo of office building, room and office logo
13 Photocopy of proof of ownership of place of business or use of place of business
14 Company seal
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In addition to the above requirements for the manufacture of PT, for the Jakarta area to be considered is the provision on zoning which is regulated in Bylaw No. 1 of 2014 on Spatial Detail Plan and Zoning Regulation where it is not possible to use the house as a place of business. As a solution, as mentioned above, to start a business can hire Virtual Office.

However, to minimize fraud there are some additional requirements if you want to use Virtual Office as a business domicile in Jakarta. Additional requirements are photocopy of identity card, Family Card, and Taxpayer Identification Number from the President Director with the latest format and address at Jakarta. In addition, there should also be 2 (two) bank references on behalf of the guarantor and person in charge of the company.

Requirements to Make PT in Tangerang

To create a PT in the Tangerang area, the requirements are more or less the same as Jakarta. But in the region that entered this province of Banten, you may use the home as a place of business. But there is a possibility if the house you live in a cluster, then there is a ban from the developer or manager. Probably, the ban is due to concerns if your business presence interferes with the comfort of other cluster occupants.

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Making PT Requirements in Depok

For the manufacture of PT in the Depok area, the additional requirement is the obligation to attach the interference permit (HO). The Dutch colonial government’s inheritance rule has been widely proposed to be abolished. Even President Jokowi reportedly will soon remove the interference permit as one of the requirements of business licensing.

But the reality in the area, including Depok, still uses this requirement as a condition of making PT. In this area is also prohibited to use the house as a place of business. The main requirements are the same as the Jakarta area.

Requirements to Make PT in Bekasi

Same with Tangerang, to make PT in the Bekasi region can use the house. That is, for those who start a business in Bekasi who do not have the capital to rent office buildings or shophouses, do not bother to look for business domicile because it can use the house. The main requirements are the same as the Jakarta area.

Requirements to Make PT in Bogor

Same with Depok, to make PT in Bogor region must have HO. But, for Bogor can use the house as a place of business. The main requirements are the same as the Jakarta area.

After seeing the plus minus procedures and terms of how to set up a company in Jakarta compared to other cities, where will you build your business empire?

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