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Indonesia Registered Company

An Overview of Making Your Company in the Indonesia Registered Company

Indonesia Registered Company – Indonesia is a promising market place for investors around the globe. As a country with fourth biggest population in the world, Indonesia provides a dynamic, potential market. Moreover, it is also sets the world’s economic trend as Indonesia is a member of G20. Many investors who firstly wanted to explore potential market within the country finally set up their business and establish it legally. Legal business will be listed in Indonesia registered company.

There are numerous benefit investors can get from registering their business. A legal business is one of the key to grow strongly. Not only will it gain from operational profit but also credibility from agents, suppliers, and consumers. If you need to look up on Indonesia registered company, it is listed on the government website. There, you will find an official company directory with some details of the business. The information is necessary once you seek for local business partner in certain location. It also describes different potential in each location.

The information may help you to set your business classification such as products and determines location to operate. Connect with a knowledgeable local assistant to help you conduct market research and ease the access to the related government officers. It is beneficiary for early business set up since government is involved in many business sectors in the country. A qualified assistance also helps you to understand the regulation and complete the establishment process.

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In the government data of the Indonesia registered company, you will find various business that offer various products. Dozens of commodity is shown on the data. Among them are furniture, foods, gemstones, fishery products, automotive parts, architecture, fashion product, and animation. You can also find the list of registered importerand exporter.

Indonesia Company Registration for Foreign Investment

The process of company registration in Indonesia for foreign investment can be done in two ways, foreign direct investment as a limited liability company or known as PT PMA and representative office. Each legal entity has particular characteristics that you will meet the most suitable for your business necessity. The process of company registration as PT PMA brings benefits for the business.

Business operation can be officially started and it has the same right and responsibilities as any other local company. It means that your company can take part in all tenders in Indonesia. You can also apply for import and other business licenses, register a product under your company. Thus, you will have easier process for importing commodities. By registering as PT PMA, your company can sponsor a business visa for your foreign clients and visitors to obtain.

Meanwhile, if you intend to observe the potential market at the first place, you can opt representative office. The main consideration is that the process relatively easy and quick to set up. It does not require a large investment or paid up capital to set up representative office. It also operates with less paperwork that you will only need to report income tax for the workers and also rented office space tax. There are four types of representative office as your options. They are foreign representative office, foreign trade representative office, foreign construction representative office, and the last is foreign bank representative office.

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The Process of Indonesia Company Registration

The process of Indonesia company registration commonly takes 8 weeks of time. To make it easier, you can use consulting firm services. Investors need to be directly involved in the beginning of the process to discuss business details. If you run particular businesses, however, accompanied by a senior consultant of the service consulting, you will have to be more involved to obtain certain license.

The procedure of company registration and establishment in Indonesia begins with approval of company name. The process is conducted at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Once it is completed, you will have to gain approval of principal license at the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board, known in the country as BKPM. The next step is preparation of Article of Association by Notary. After that, you have to obtain Deed of Establishment at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Then, you must obtain Certificate of Domicile.

This step is carried at the local government office. After you get the domicile certificate, you have to obtain tax payer registration number. The last stage of the whore registration procedure is obtaining Company Registration Certificate at the local government. The entire procedures takes about two months by the assistance of professional help.

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All the company registration procedures may cost you time and energy. However, it is the key for your company to achieve its potential target in Indonesia. A legal status allows your business to develop progressively. Once your company is in the Indonesia registered company, it will automatically gain credibility from suppliers and consumers. Being in the list of Indonesia registered company along with other business in the government’s official company directory will also enhance professional partnership which is surely important for the future expansion.

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