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Company address in Indonesia

Company address in Indonesia

Company address in Indonesia – Google provides free solutions for business owners to map their location on Google Maps. This service is called Google Places. By entering your company location on Google Maps, your company’s address will be one of the company address in Indonesia that can be seen by everyone in the world.

There are several purposes why you should add a company address in Indonesia in Google Maps, among others;

  1. To expand corporate branding
  2. To expand the company’s marketing area.
  3. For more and more who knows the existence of your company.
  4. So that people can more easily find your company address.
  5. Giving confidence to the public that our company is very reliable.

Of course in addition to the above five things, there are still many other goals related to the development of your business.

Steps to Add Company Address on Google Maps

Without further length, here are the steps you should do if you want to add the company address in Indonesia on Google Maps;

  1. Go to, please login using Gmail account.
  2. After successful login, click on the button “Add New Business”
  3. Next, you are required to fill out a form about your business or business. Fill in the address, phone number, email address and a little description of your business, and your business category.
  4. Look at the map to the right of the form you fill. If the location suggestions provided by Google based on the address you provided are incorrect, edit the location with the click “Fix incorrect marker location” under the map.
  5. In the “Change map marker location” window that appears, click and drag on the location instructions with the red balloon symbol to the right location. Click Save Changes.
  6. Next, you will be asked to fill in a more detailed form, such as Services Area, office hours, upload photos / videos of your business / business etc. This form is only optional, click submit only. You can add another time, if necessary.
  7. For security and privacy reasons, your business location will be validated in two ways: via phone (in accordance with the phone number prefixed on the previous form) or via short message services (if you previously fill in the phone number on the form “add more phone numbers “)
  8. To be more effective you better use short message service for validation. The time we need to get a PIN number for validation sent to the mobile phone number you have filled in less than 1 minute. Type the 5 digit PIN number you can, then click GO.
  9. After all the steps you run, it’s time to see the following search results in Google Maps using the name of business you just added.
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Hire PO BOX for Company

In addition to adding to Google Maps, it’s good if the company also has a more concise company address, the way is by renting PO BOX. In PO POX it is an abbreviation of the Post Office Box, meaning that Mailboxes are rented from the Post Office. PO BOX is one of the facilities provided by the POS office of Indonesia to the companies.

The main purpose is to hide the recipient’s address such as when sending a job application letter, remember if it was announced maybe many applicants who came to escort themselves to the office. In order to streamline the work of the company who rented it because it does not have to bother receiving each letter because the taking can be done periodically, for example every afternoon.

Besides that PO BOX is also very needed when the company is in the process of moving, so there is no such thing as misplaced. PO BOX also has advantages; we do not need to know in detail the full address, such as contacts, zip code, and others. Enough with the PO BOX our shipment will go straight to the destination.

One PO BOX is only available in one Post office only. Usually the city headquarters wider than the unit office in the sub-district can know the location of the POS office is used simply by looking at its PO BOX address, for example: PO BOX Jakarta 6000, Using post office located in Jakarta with city number 6000.

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If your company needs PO BOX, it’s easy. First, of course by going to the POS office directly, do not forget to bring the terms and conditions include the original identity card. Payment for this PO BOX is done monthly. To find out how much it costs please ask directly to the Customer Service of the nearest post office. But the information we get, the cost of rent PO BOX per unit only about ten thousand rupiah per month. Very cheap, isn’t it?

Using PO BOX is the right choice for company address in Indonesia to reduce work due to too many packets received in every time.

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