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Angel investor Indonesia

Angel investor Indonesia

Angel investor Indonesia – In recent years, start-up business has grown increasingly in Indonesia, particularly in the capital city. This increase is not separated from the role of angel investors who are willing to inject capital for the new business. One of the angel investor Indonesia is Angel Investment Network Indonesia (ANGIN).

As is known, angel investors usually targeted start-up funding is considered too small for venture capitalist (VC). Angel investors are usually encountered among family and friends of entrepreneurs. Their capital may be in the form of a one-time fund injection in the form of initial money or continuous support to operate the company in difficult conditions.

However, it could be start up getting funding from VC if the purpose of funding expansion is to go into equity market. VC fund injections will usually be bartered with stock when the business is already large. Well, if you currently have a great business idea, but do not have the funds to make it happen, how to make your business ogled by angel investors?

Tricks for Alluring Angel Investor Indonesia

Here are some suggestions extracted from angel investor Indonesia, venture capitalist and founders start up.

  1. Creating the dream team

Build a superstar team, great products and a great way of business monetization. That’s the main key if you want your startup ogled by investors. The most important thing is how to get investors and VC to trust your management team to grow the business.

So, choose a partner and another key team who have basic knowledge and deep skills in their field. If you are a skilled person in business, choose a cunning co-worker on the technical side, so that your company will run balanced.

  1. Learn and know the ins and outs of the investor
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It’s important that as an entrepreneur, you are not doing wrong in targeting investors. Then do your homework. Learn about angel investors or VCs that you will go to because they will definitely learn your startup. Then talk to angel investor or VC if your company is ready. Because if not, then will be only small funding that you will get.

  1. Prove if your business is valuable

Do not just talk to one investor, but explore every opportunity to get to know more investors. But, new players have to start looking for investors that really fit the industry they develop. However, if too many VCs are targeted, it will be a lot of meetings with those who also burden the cost of the new player.

In addition, every start-up business needs to override the idea and business model before presenting it in front of angel investors and VC. This is important so that the investor is sure if you always innovate for the development of the company. So he did not hesitate inject large capital.

  1. Join the incubator or accelerator program

By joining the program you will learn more about start up business. Usually incubators and accelerators teach how to start up getting funding from investors, with mentors from other already successful start-ups. Despite having a different structure, both programs have the same goal, which is to accelerate the development of start up.

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Incubator programs usually have a longer time period than the accelerator, which is six months or more. This is because incubation programs not only accept teams or start-ups that already have products, but also accept ideas that are still raw. So that need to validation process of idea, product, until validation process to market.

While the accelerator usually lasts faster, which is about three months. Accelerator program will help start up to maximize their product to then ready to enter the market. In Indonesia alone there are a number of incubator and accelerator programs that are ready to help the development of start up homeland, for example, Indigo Incubator.

Indigo Incubator is a tech startup incubator program from Telkom which started in 2013. Indigo Incubator organizes two batch programs annually. Every batch in the program lasts for six months. The selected startup will be awarded initial funding and mentoring and incubation at Bandung Digital Valley or Jogja Digital Valley.

There is also Ideabox, which is an accelerated program of Indosat’s cooperation with Mountain SEA Ventures, a Swiss VC company. This acceleration program began in 2013. This year Ideabox opened the program for the third generation.

Ideabox focus on finding start up early stage. The selected start up will follow the acceleration program for 120 days. In addition to getting initial funding, start up can also expand the network and get mentoring.

  1. Focus on your efforts
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Many start-ups worry at times, ie how to keep their ideas fresh. Well, for those of you who are looking for angel investor Indonesia, should always focus on building the best possible for the company, product, or service to consumers. If focused, your company will grow and increase the potential to receive funding from angel investors.

It does not matter if you fail. Repeat until you are successful. Some of the rejection that beginner startups often get for example: you are still too early, not right, or you have not found the right investor. Learn from your mistakes and keep trying.

In Indonesia, one of the start-ups that are considered successful in getting funding from the big VC is Go-Jek service initiated by Nadiem Makarim. This service recently was phenomenal because it combines the means of motorcycle taxi transport online through smartphone applications.

Angel investor Indonesia who has been working to support and help realize the idea of ​​the young generation in developing a digital startup or startup such as Shinta Dhanurwardoyo or known Shinta Bubu which is the pioneer internet company in Indonesia, Victor Fungkong who is the chief executive officer (CEO) PT Indonusa Dwitama , Amir Sambodo through TeknoVentura umbrella, Sugiono Wiyono who is CEO of PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk, and Danny Oei Wirianto who is Chief Marketing Officer of GDP Venture, a local venture capital company owned by Djarum Group.

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